
Saturday, July 23, 2011

OPI - Black Onyx (The Perfect Glitter Base)

Trying to figure out the best way to showcase my glitters, I painted one hand white and the other black. Needless to say, black won out hands down with Black Onyx stealing the show. I almost don't want to put the glitter on now.

Color Description:  The shiniest, wettest looking black I've seen yet. Definitely dries with a jelly finish, go figure?

Similar To: Sinful Colors Black on Black is an awesome black, too, but OPI's formula is a lot thinner and easier to deal with than Black on Black.  Black Onyx is also very fast drying, as well.

This Look: One coat of Starting Over After Artificials and two coats of Black Onyx - that's it and that's all folks! Can you believe how shiny this is without a topcoat?

Price Point/Availability: Black Onyx is in OPI's core line so should be easily found in stores and online wherever OPI is sold and retails for $8.50.

I won't be wearing Black Onyx alone but I thought it warranted it's own review because for those of you who do rock black nails, this needs to be in your collection...