Color Description: Lightening is a bright lemon yellow, not to be worn by the faint of heart. And not really for those who care what people think about their nails. It's a daring, bright, artsy color for the willing and able - lol.
Similar To: Nothing else I own is the same but Lightening has been compared to Chanel Mimosa (color not finish) and Revlon Electric by the wonderful blogger Fab Fatale (check her out!).
This Look: One coat of Starting Over After Artificials, two coats of Ligtening and one coat of Shine & Hold.
Price Point/Availability: Of late, I've seen this online for as little as $3, however, I purchased mine a while ago at Big Lots and generally when cosmetics go to Big Lots or discount stores they've been discontinued. But, by all means, check your local drugstore for the Insta Dri's, you may just find it there.
I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed wearing it. Have a great day!
This is a very pretty yellow!